SOFIA, BULGARIA: I am honored to be featured as one of "MAX People" (
MAX, the Bulgarian "brother" of the world-famous Italian men's magazine, has dedicated three pages to my life and work in its current 2012 edition devoted to the theme of "Creatives."
Accompanied by two candid photos by the renowned Broadway photographer, Rivka Katva, the article, written by the Bulgarian journalist Emil Iliev, was published in the January 2012 issue.
MAX was first published in Bulgaria at the end of October 2006. The trendy men's magazine has the reputation of being one of the most prestigious editions in Europe with a prevailing male readership. In Italy alone, the monthly circulation is 156,000 copies with more than 1,100,000 readers. MAX Bulgaria is published with a circulation of 20,000 and a cover price of 5 BGN.
MAX considers itself a leader in defining the trends in fashion and the modern way of life. MAX is aimed at the active readers between the age of 25 and 45. "These people," states the Bulgarian publishing house QM, "represent the middle-high and high-class in terms of the professional occupation, income and quality of life. These are people with ideas, taste and money."
The Bulgarian edition of MAX is the "brother" of the original Italian men's magazine, and it bears the genetic inheritance. MAX was created by Paolo Pietronni 25 years ago. The big-format style and creative vision was conceived by New York-based art director Giovanni Russo. QM Media, based in the capital city of Sofia, launched MAX under a licensing agreement with Italian RCS MediaGroup at a time when more and more international magazines were entering the Southeast European country.
Appropriately, the Bulgarian MAX follows the concept of the original -- an elegant combination of amusing and serious readers, high-quality outlook and commentaries. The graphic design of MAX is the trademark that provides it with an advantage on the varied media market. The covers of the magazine are recognizable not only for their high visual style but also for the professional realization of some of the most prominent Bulgarian and world photographers.
MAX is a nicely mixed cocktail of lifestyle topics: fashion, cars, accessories and cosmetics, night life, news, politics, sports, music and cinema, beautiful women. World stars such as Monica Bellucci, Carla Bruni, Charlize Theron and Sean Penn have shined the covers of the Bulgarian MAX over the years. Top models such as Cindy Crawford and Eva Hertzigova have marched through its pages, and the pictures were taken by such photographers as Helmut Newton, Marco Glaviano and Gian Paolo Barbieri.
Here is an excerpt from Emil's introduction:
MAX, the Bulgarian "brother" of the world-famous Italian men's magazine, has dedicated three pages to my life and work in its current 2012 edition devoted to the theme of "Creatives."
Accompanied by two candid photos by the renowned Broadway photographer, Rivka Katva, the article, written by the Bulgarian journalist Emil Iliev, was published in the January 2012 issue.
MAX was first published in Bulgaria at the end of October 2006. The trendy men's magazine has the reputation of being one of the most prestigious editions in Europe with a prevailing male readership. In Italy alone, the monthly circulation is 156,000 copies with more than 1,100,000 readers. MAX Bulgaria is published with a circulation of 20,000 and a cover price of 5 BGN.
MAX considers itself a leader in defining the trends in fashion and the modern way of life. MAX is aimed at the active readers between the age of 25 and 45. "These people," states the Bulgarian publishing house QM, "represent the middle-high and high-class in terms of the professional occupation, income and quality of life. These are people with ideas, taste and money."
The Bulgarian edition of MAX is the "brother" of the original Italian men's magazine, and it bears the genetic inheritance. MAX was created by Paolo Pietronni 25 years ago. The big-format style and creative vision was conceived by New York-based art director Giovanni Russo. QM Media, based in the capital city of Sofia, launched MAX under a licensing agreement with Italian RCS MediaGroup at a time when more and more international magazines were entering the Southeast European country.
Appropriately, the Bulgarian MAX follows the concept of the original -- an elegant combination of amusing and serious readers, high-quality outlook and commentaries. The graphic design of MAX is the trademark that provides it with an advantage on the varied media market. The covers of the magazine are recognizable not only for their high visual style but also for the professional realization of some of the most prominent Bulgarian and world photographers.
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MAX People |
MAX is a nicely mixed cocktail of lifestyle topics: fashion, cars, accessories and cosmetics, night life, news, politics, sports, music and cinema, beautiful women. World stars such as Monica Bellucci, Carla Bruni, Charlize Theron and Sean Penn have shined the covers of the Bulgarian MAX over the years. Top models such as Cindy Crawford and Eva Hertzigova have marched through its pages, and the pictures were taken by such photographers as Helmut Newton, Marco Glaviano and Gian Paolo Barbieri.
Here is an excerpt from Emil's introduction:
Детството на Дженър минава по времето на диктаторът Фердинанд Маркос, свален чрез народно възстание на филипинците. Като тийнейджър Ранди работи като вестникар по улиците на Манила. Един ден, по път за работа, в автобуса, той се вглежда през рамота на един човек във вестника на пътника отсреща, на страниците разпознава собственото си фамилно име и прочита историята на филипински бизнесмен в щатите, който е застрелян в Лос Анджелис.
Ранди не познава биологичният си баща, но го е виждал в семейните им фотографии и веднага го разпознава на снимката от статията. След падането на диктаторския режим, през 1986-та Ранди Дженър се премества в Америка.
В Ню Йорк пристига с авткобус, прекосил континента от западното до източното крайбрежие. Не се бях къпал 7 дена и нощи и от град на град се хранех само с хамбургери от Макдоналдс. Като пристига се настанява в малкото жилище на бедно филипинско семейство, където, след вечеря, когато всички си легнат, може да използва масата, за да постави върху нея пишещата и да работи.
Намира спасение в тишината на Нюйоркската обществена библиотека, където проучва как да си намери работа и присъства на поетични уъркшопи. За добро или за лошо, една вечер, дащерята в семейството, където е отседнал, подслушва негов телефонен разговор с приятел. Хазяйние му се оказват хомофоби и скоро Ранди ги напуска, за да заживее самостоятелно. По същото време, денем той работи за голяма американска корпорация, а през нощта е неплатен стажант за Вилидж Войс.
Идеята за журналистически пробив в Ню Йорк е да си провреш крака през вратата.
Ранди стажува при двама - Рос Уетстан, обичаният театрален критик на Вилидж Войс и за Майкъл Файнголд - водещ театрален критик, който ме изтощаваше до смърт.
Желанието му де бъде публикуван го кара да работи и за други издания в града е да дава всичко от себе си, дори пари, които не притежава. Когато трябвало да направи интервю с Антъни Хопкинс и Ема Томпсън. отишъл в скъп хотел в Горен Ийст Сайд, където закуската, само кроасан и кафе, струвала $20, а след интервюто се върнал в офиса на корпорацията, за да сервира, сам той, кафе и закуски на работодателите си.
Превърнах се в най-дълго неплатения стажант в историята на Войс. Докато Рос не му предлага платена работа на асистент по проучвания за две книги, а също и да продължи да бъде връзка с театралната общност на Оф-оф Бродуей за наградите на Вилидж Войс.
Всъщност бих изоставил писането за театър ако възможностите за оцеляване се изчерпат. Казва, че писането на критика не е негов избор, до ден днешен предпочита да пише разкази и пиеси. Въпреки, че пиесите му са поставяни той е известен повече като редактор и театрален критик.
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